Monday, September 24, 2007


Wow, this is only the first week, and this is already becoming quite a burden. Maybe I won't make such a solid comittment to the every day thing. I'd pick something out, but I'm at the end of my wick, and I can't write anything worthwhile, and I couldn't find anything that I liked but didn't want to link to or write about, so...The Lord rested on the seventh day, and so shall the Lord of Oats. It's definitely time for some sleep. I may have to change this around. Instead of working on this for the same amount of time every day, I will post less when I'm busy, and more when I'm bored. I'll work it out so it still comes out to seven per week, but I just can't be this consistent right now. I'll only stick to the schedule if it's working for me. I just...well, it's not this, really...I'm incredibly tired. I'll post when I can think straight.

1 comment:

John said...

Alright, dude! Less than a week. It's cool to see the decline in the quality of reviews as you approached this point. Also, way to not plug me everyday like you said you would.